New Somalia president survives assassination.
By Godfrey Olukya 13-9-2012
The new Somalia president Hassan Sheikh Mohamud yesterday survived an assassination, just two days after being elected into office.
As he was meeting Kenya’s foreign minister Sam Ongeri at Mogadishu hotel, two bombs were blasted off by suicide bombers, killing three of his guards who were outside and injuring several others seriously.
President Mohamud was not hurt by the bomb blasts. The meeting went on after the security agents assured the president that all was under control.
AMISOM spokesman, Ali Houmed said ‘ The president is safe. He has not been affected by the blasts which took place at the hotel.All those who were with him in the hotel are safe.’
According to preliminary investigations carried out by AMISOM, the bomb attacks were carried out by three suicide bombers.
A statement issued by AMISOM indicated that two suicide bombers were shot and blew up while trying to enter the hotel, while a third bomber was shot dead as he tried to climb the compound wall.
according to some media houses in Somalia, Al-Shabaab reportedly claimed responsibility of the bomb blasts.