African Catholics want a black Pope



By Godfrey Olukya 14-2-2013

Some Catholics in African countries have said that due to the rapid growth of Catholic Church in Africa, it would be fair if an African Pope replaced the soon- retiring Pope Benedict XVI.

Gregory Okello, a Catholic in Kenya said, ‘Africa is full of Catholics. We would feel good if we also got a black Pope. For a long time only white Popes have been elected. It would be fair if a black one is elected this time.’

Silvia Kiboro in Tanzania said, ‘For a long time religious leaders have been telling us that there is no discrimination in the Catholic Church. That can only be confirmed if a black Pope is elected.’

Brenda Namazzi from Uganda said, ‘Uganda has over twenty declared Catholic matyres who were killed for being religious. That means that Africans are also very staunch Christians. If we are dedicated Christians like the Europeans and Americans, then why don’t we get a black Pope?’

Paul Enike from Ghana said, ‘We hear that our Cardinal, Peter Turkson is likely to be Africa’s top candidate to become the next pope. Other cardinals should simply elect him because there is need for them to show the world that they are not racists.’

He said that Cardinal Turkson, 64, also head of the Vatican’s Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace has served as a peacemaker and has left a lasting impact on his nation’s development. He is not only loved and respected in Ghana but allover Africa.

The Roman Catholic Church has tremendously grown in Africa. Currently 15 per cent of the world’s 1.2 billion Catholics live in Africa..

According to the Vatican, the conclave to decide the successor of Pope Benedict XVI will start as early as March 15th.


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