Mali gets more aid



By Godfrey Olukya 15-4-2013

Last week, the Government of Sweden decided to gradually resume bilateral development cooperation with Mali within the framework of the bilateral development cooperation strategy. This is in light of the fact that there has been progress in the political process in Mali recently.

Together with other EU countries, Sweden is monitoring the political process closely and looking to see that the Malian government implements the adopted roadmap for the restoration of democratic and constitutional order in a credible manner.

On 29 January this year, the National Assembly of Mali unanimously adopted a roadmap for the transitional period with the aim of restoring the country s constitutional and democratic order.

Political and technical preparations have begun with the aim of holding democratic elections by the end of July at the latest. A National Commission for Reconciliation and Dialogue has also been established to find long-term solutions to the crisis in Mali.

The development assistance appropriation for Mali for 2013 amounts to SEK 250 million, which is an increase of SEK 100 million compared with 2012.

Sweden is also one of the largest humanitarian donors to the Sahel region and Mali. Swedish humanitarian assistance to the Sahel region in 2012 totalled over SEK 500 million, of which over SEK 76 million went to Mali. The Government is prepared to offer additional support to the people of Mali and the Sahel region in 2013. The Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency is currently preparing support to the UN Consolidated Appeal for Mali 2013. The Appeal totals USD 370 million.


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