The United States of America is the greatest nation on the face of the earth that most, if not all, other nations have used as their yardstick for leadership. And because of this unique position in the world, its leader must unquestionably be reflective of this exceptional attribute.

The age requirement to lead this nation is soundly based on intellectual maturity, informed and a sound mind to competently carry out its hair-graying national and international tasks with dignity. As a result, no one should ever be allowed to insult his/her childish way to the throne.

For this and many, many other reasons why we’re firmly standing our patriotic grounds and dutifully say ‪#‎Notthefaceofournation‬. Not #trumptainment. Not #trumpicide.  Not now, not ever! May God continue to bless the United States of America.

Please join us to spread this movement. Thank you!

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