Some Isrealites write racist graffiti against muslims on walls, cars in jerusalem


It was recently reported that unknown number of Israeli extremists infiltrated at dawn, the as-Sahl neighborhood in Shoafat town, north of occupied East Jerusalem. In effect, they wrote racist graffiti in Hebrew on Palestinian cars and buildings. The graffiti included insults against the Muslim Prophet Muhammad. The vandals also slashed car tires and destroying public and private properties.

Apart from the insults against the Prophet Muhammad, the vandals also wrote ‘Pricetag’ and ‘Revenge’ on walls and cars. They punctured the tyres of 17 cars belonging to members of the families of Issa, Abu Zahara, Abu Khdeir, al-Mashni, Khaddor, Abdul-al, and D’eis; these are Muslims residing in the community.

In response to the act, a local resident, Morad Issa said that surveillance cameras captured the images of two Israeli settlers infiltrating into the neighborhood at about 3:15 am. The cameras showed the pair writing graffiti on the walls and on a car. It was confirmed that more Israeli settlers were involved but the camera was only able to capture just two.

Consequently, Israeli police say they have no suspects in the case, although Jerusalem District police say they have opened an investigation file to capture whoever is responsible for such act.

It was reported that the term “price tag” has been used in association with hate crimes against Palestinians, carried out by right-wing Israeli perpetrators.

It was further reported that on thesame day before dawn, a Palestinian village in northern Israel, Na’ura, also experienced a similar spate of graffiti and tire slashings, likely carried out by the same perpetrators. There, eight cars had their tires slashed, and the words “administrative price tag” and “administrative revenge” were spraypainted on buildings. No doubt, the same set of people carried out the act.

Also, it was reported that the word“administrative” is speculated to be a reference to administrative detention, a practice of holding prisoners without charges for lengthy terms. In the past, it was only used for Palestinians, but in the past year an Israeli settler leader and several other right-wing Israeli suspects were held without charge in connection to an arson attack that killed a Palestinian family asleep in their beds.

However, Israel has broad anti-discrimination laws that prohibit discrimination by both government and nongovernment entities on the basis of race, religion, and political beliefs, and prohibits incitement to racism. This is suppose to stand as an objection for practicalising racism.

This act has consequently made the Muslims in the areas scared of the unknown. The government also urged the racists to stop their vandalism and painting of cars and walls in order for peace to be restored in the affected areas.

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