State offers 700 hactares of land to youths, teachers and residents in Ethiopia


Ethiopians have recently complained about accommodation and availability of land for farming. Although, many said that there were enough land but the money to acquire them was the problem.

In order to tackle some of the problems of Ethiopians, the Oromia State has offered 700 hectares of land to 1,575 youth and residents yesterday in different parts of the state to enable them engage in agricultural activities and build houses.

Oromia is the largest Regional State in the Ethiopian Empire. Their major occupations are mainly agriculture (coffee, several crops, spices, vegetables) and Animal Husbandry; Mining industry; Tourism trade; Medium and small-scale industries (textiles, refineries, meat packaging, etc). The state is recognised as the breadbasket of the Horn of Africa, it is also the largest livestock holding in Africa. Also, the state is rich in Minerals (gold, silver, platinum, uranium, marble, nickel and natural gas).

It was reported that the State Cabinet led by State Chief Lemma Megeressa and House of Peoples’ Representatives Speaker Abadula Gemeda has handed out the plots to youths, teachers and residents of Adea, Adama, Metehara Fentale woredas for agricultural and housing development. The people residing in this area are really excited as this will no doubt increase their standard of living.

It was also confirmed that some 78.75 hectares of land which was occupied by foreign investors for over 16 years was given to 650 youths who were subsequently trained on agriculture and farming. This has however solved the problem of unemployment of youths in the state. Meanwhile, the Cabine has also visited 800 youth that engaged in cattle fattening in West Shoa Zone.

In order to clear the bushy land and for farming to start immediately, the State Chief Lemma handed over three tractors to the youth in Adea Woreda. The state chief discovered that buying or renting a tractor to clear the bushes will be a financial burden on the youths.

Lemma further said that the youth’s desire for development is quite encouraging and the state would extend support to address the quest for development and ensure active participation and benefit of the youth. The youth’s hungry taste to work has made the government to put in more effort to assist them.

In addition, the state has granted 56 hectares of land for the construction of houses for Adama Woreda residents and teachers with low income. The state government has paid 23 million Birr for compensation to 120 farmers evacuated from the site. This will enable the residents and teachers worry less about accommodation expenses. Most of the beneficiaries had complained that they couldn’t afford their rent bills thereby most of them end up sleeping in shops and uncompleted buildings.

Also, Fentale Woreda farmers were granted 14.75 hectares of land for housing and business centers that would be transferred to 680 farmers and youth. In addition, State Food Security and Job Creation Bureau head Yohannes Tesfa said efforts are being made to help the youths especially graduates who are unemployed. This will encourage them to engage in self developmental activities which will enable them to be financially independent.

Consequently, it has be reported that over 34, 500 youth registered from 11 woredas have obtained training certificates on various training including farming, pastoral farming, agro processing other sectors and fish farming. As a matter of fact, this will no doubt encourage productivity in unemployed graduates and youths. However, it will on the long run enhance Ethiopia’s economic growth and development.

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