Laos, Vietnam join hands to promote bilateral trade and investment


At the International Convention and Exhibition Centre, the Expo held in Vientiane Capital on Wednesday June 5, 2017, Lao and Vietnamese products were displayed for sale at over 320 booths at the Lao-Viet Expo 2017, aiming to promote trade and investment between two countries.

The two countries have in fact jointly opened a website for trading with Vietnam investing over $1.4 billion as initial bilateral trading capital in Laos.

Laos–Vietnam strengthened the current and historical relationship between the Lao People’s Democratic Republic and Socialist Republic of Vietnam which would be beneficial for both countries.

According to BBC world, Minister of Industry and Commerce, Ms. Khemmany Pholsena declared at the opening ceremony, “The Lao-Viet Expo is one of the activities marking the special solidarity between the two countries of Laos and Vietnam in preparation to celebrate the 55th anniversary of their diplomatic ties (Sep 5, 1962-2017) and the 40th anniversary of the signing of the Friendship and Cooperation Treaty (Jul 18, 1977-2017).”

Ms Khemmany said that the Expo also aimed to promote bilateral trade, cooperation and investment between Laos and Vietnam.

She stated that that was an opportunity for business operators in both countries to negotiate future trade cooperation, shared business information on trade, investment and enterprises, and promoted the existing cooperation on economy and trade between the public and private sectors of the two countries.

Furthermore, the Expo would also showcase the unique culture of Laos and Vietnam according to the Treaty of Peace, Friendship and Cooperation.

In addition to that, during the following year, there were 320 booths, of which 120 belonged to Vietnam and 200 from Laos.

No doubt after signing the agreement, there was a variety of products at that event, including electricity, construction materials, handicrafts, processed foods, consumer goods, agro-forestry products, furniture, ODOP and other products. It also included a singing contest and a free health check.








Reporter: Syeda Faiza Buhari

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