Britain’s PM Theresa May announces support package to create new wealth in Africa


During the G20 Summit, in Hamburg, on Saturday, Prime Minister, Theresa May has announced the need for the world to help Africa tap from potentials that can transform and cause a drastic reduction in continent’s reliance. This was contained in a report filed and distributed by APO, on behalf of the Department for International Development (DFID), yesterday, 10th of July, 2017.

The report stated that “the Prime Minister is to unveil an ambitious package of support to create new wealth in Africa – reducing the continent’s reliance upon aid and improving global security.” Adding that, the Prime Minister called for global action to unlock the huge untapped economic potential of Africa, during a talk before the Saturday audience of G20 leaders, in Hamburg.

“A more prosperous Africa would lift millions of people out of poverty while also offering the UK greater security at home and significant future trading opportunities,” she said.

Theresa May set out a new term of approach, based on three key principles. Firstly, “Building a modern partnership with Africa which is focused much more strongly on supporting African aspirations for trade, investment and growth;” by way of “Creating millions of new jobs.”

Secondly, she believes there is need to establish “A commitment to work with others including the private sector to stimulate trillions of pounds/dollars investment into Africa.” And, lastly, “Some 20 million jobs need to be created in Africa every year until 2035 just to absorb new entrants into the labor force.”

The Prime Minister made it known that “if young people remain permanently excluded with jobs and opportunities always out of reach then destabilizing migratory patterns will persist – with extremist causes and criminality more likely to thrive.”

As reported in the press release, “Germany, the G20 hosts, are already championing this approach, including through a Compact with Africa initiative to promote private investment. So, “The Prime Minister is urging others to now follow the UK and German lead on this vital issue.”







Correspondent: Ridwan A. Olayiwola

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