As Kenya gets ready for the august elections, Uhuru vows not to cling to power.

On August 8 2017, Kenya is expected to hold general election where Kenyans are assumed to legally choose their new leaders for the next dispensation.

Kenyans will on the August 8 vote to elect the new president and his deputy, members of the Parliament (Senate and National Assembly) and devolved government members (county governors and ward representatives).

Besides the greatest political rivals and candidates, Uhuru Kenyatta, the current president and Raila Odinga, the strongest presidential seat aspirant, Professor Michael Wainaina (Independent), Peter Odeng (Restore and Build Kenya party), Abduba Dida (Tunza Coalition) among others are also candidates in the game.

Uhuru Kenyatta is under the Jubilee Party while Raila Odinga is under the National Super Alliance (NASA).
This week on Tuesday, the NASA leader, Raila Odinga was reported claiming in a press conference that Uhuru Kenyatta would reject the presidential results, and was mobilizing the military, with an aim of using it to retain power illegally.

In addition, Mr. Odinga warned Mr. Kenyatta against doing any sort of rigging the election, stating that his Alliance Party had put stringent measures to protect their votes against any electoral malpractice.

“Having had the experience of two tainted elections, we are fully prepared to protect our vote and avoid electoral theft. We therefore wish to warn him (Kenyatta) again not to even dare think of rigging the forthcoming election. Mr. President, don’t ruin our country for your selfish interests,” said Raila warning Kenyatta.

“President Kenyatta appears to be preparing to reject election results because he knows he will definitely lose. Do not destroy our democracy.Do not overthrow our constitution,” Raila added.

President Kenyatta, while responding to the accusations, said that he has no plans of clinging to power illegally, should he lose in the next month’s elections.

Kenyatta said that he is ready to respect the people’s verdict at the ballot, dismissing Raila’s assertions as wild, baseless and laughable.
In his words, President Kenyatta said that he is too committed to peaceful, free, fair and credible elections. He also pledged his total support to democratic institutions whether politically or financially.

“Our democratic system envisages an incident- free, fair, transparent and credible electoral process where the will of Kenyans is exercised,” said President Kenyatta, through a statement by Spokesman Manoah Esipisu.

Kenyatta stated that Raila’s unfortunate remarks are however intended to willfully undermine public confidence in the electoral process.
The Head of State in his conclusion, stated that he categorically respects the rule of law and the constitution.






Reporter: Shamilah Namuddu

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