Uhuru Kenyatta re-elected president of Kenya, earning him a second term in office


President Uhuru Kenyatta has finally been announced the president elect for the Republic of Kenya, despite allegations of fraud from the opposition team led by his rival Raila Odinga.

The presidential results were announced on Friday, August 11, at night.

According to the figures released by the country’s electoral commission official, Wafula Chebukati, the chairman IEBC, the incumbent secured 8,203,290 (54.27 %) votes of the ballots cast, while his rival, Raila Odinga, won 6,762,224 (44.74 %).

“I wish to declare Uhuru Kenyatta, President elect and Wiliiam Ruto, Deputy President elect,” announced Chebukati, the chairman IEBC.

The IEBC national tallying center in Bomas, Nairobi, erupted into celebration as Uhuru Kenyatta’s supporters congratulated him for the victory.

“It’s been a long wait for the last couple of days. But we were determined that we would be patient and wait for the final result, as indeed have now been declared,” Kenyatta said following the announcement.

“We shall continue with the work that we have started…Kenyans want us to succeed.” The president promised.

President Uhuru Kenyatta will be sworn in on August 29, as sources have depicted.

“Countries around the world have been watching us closely,” Wafula Chebukati, Kenya Electoral Commission chairman, informed.

Chebukati said that he was “confident” that the manner the election was conducted was “fair and credible”

President Kenyatta has been reported saying that him and Raila are not and were not enemies. He also went ahead to invite the opposition party of National Super Alliance (NASA), Raila’s party, to join him and work together.

“We are all citizens of one republic. As with any competition, there shall always be winners and there shall always be losers. But still, we all belong to one great nation called Kenya,” said President Kenyatta.

“I extend a hand of partnership knowing full well that this country needs all of us pulling together in order for this country to succeed,” he added.

Kenyatta has asked the people of Kenya to respect the results and keep peace, reminding them of what happened in 2007, and how nobody would like to go back there, bringing history to life.

“We have seen the results of political violence. And I am certain that there is no single Kenyan who would wish for us to go back to that,” he said.

President Edgar Lungu, the president of Zambia, is one of the first presidents that have congratulated Mr. Kenyatta for successfully reaching to victory.

“Your Excellency and my dear brother, I wish to extend my heartfelt congratulations on your re-election as President of the Republic of Kenya,” said the President, according to a press statement released to the media Saturday morning by his special assistant for press and public relations Amos Chanda.








Reporter: Shamilah Namuddu

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