30 people killed in a Mosque by Afghanistan terrorists


During the last Jumat prayer, reports confirmed that at least 30 civilians, including women and children were killed and 40 injured in a terrorist attack on a Shia Muslim mosque in the Afghan capital Kabul on Friday, according to the country’s Interior Ministry. This attack claimed many innocent muslims’ lives.

In response to the gravious act, President Mohammad Ashraf Ghani has vehemently condemned what he called an “inhuman and un-Islamic” act, saying the terrorists could not divide the Afghan nation with such atrocities. The nation is meant to live in peace and unity. The reoccurrence of such attacks could lead to disunity in division among the citizens.

However, the Taliban have denied being part of this sixth incident of its kind this year. Also, the Daesh terrorist group claimed responsibility in a statement posted on their propaganda site Amaq. Series of attacks have been recorded in the previous and recent years.

In addition, the mosque, in a residential area in the north of the city, was believed to have been packed with dozens of men, women and children when the assailants struck during Friday prayers. A health ministry official, Mohammad Ismail told reports:
“We have 30 killed and more than 50 wounded.”

Reports confirmed that heavily armed security forces stormed the building and rescued more than 100 worshippers, according to the interior ministry, which had initially put the death toll at 12, including 10 civilians and two security force personnel.

The police were reported to act fast on the matter. They responded immediately to save the lives of the muslims in the mosque.

“The attack is over and the site has been cleaned up by our police,” deputy spokesman Najib Danish told reporters. He also explained that the police “blew up a wall behind the building to get in and rescue people”. It was also reported that a suicide bomber “detonated himself inside the mosque” .

One of the eye witnesses explained to the media reporters:
“Our relatives have been stranded inside the mosque… We believe they have been held hostage by the gunmen. We are very concerned about their safety and may God help us and rescue our loved ones.”

Records confirmed that IS has claimed responsibility for a series of attacks killing dozens of Shiites in Kabul over the past year, including twin explosions in July 2016 that ripped through crowds of Shiite Hazaras, killing at least 85 people and wounding more than 400. However, earlier this month 33 worshippers were killed and 66 wounded in a suicide attack claimed by IS on a Shiite mosque in the western Afghan city of Herat.

President Mohammad Ashraf Ghani has called on peace and unity among his citizens. “The act of killing one another is a show of lack of love amongst ourselves”. He urged everyone to desist from being brainwashed by anyone who says there is pleasure and treasure in killing.

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