Governor Cuomo Endorses Luis Sepulveda in April 24th Special Election
By Robert Press
In what has begun as a very cold April Friday the warmth came to Boricua College not only outside, but inside also as elected officials came to endorse Luis Sepulveda in the upcoming April 24th Special Election for the 32nd State Senate. Bronx Democratic County Leader Marcos Crespo opened the event. He called out the names of the City Council members, State Assembly members of Congress, Bronx Borough President, and Governor Andrew Cuomo who were there endorsing Luis Sepulveda.
After Crespo spoke for a few minutes on the attributes of Assemblyman Luis Sepulveda, and saying that they are not twins (an old joke), Crespo introduced Assembly Speaker and former County Leader Carl Heastie. Heastie praised Sepulveda’s work in the assembly, and his commitment to the justice system. He said that the Assembly’s loss was the State Senate’s gain.
Congressman Joseph Crowley was next to say that he covers a part of the 32nd State Senate District, and that he is glad that there is now unity in the State Senate by the two Democratic factions. In the audience were State Senators Jeff Klein, Diane Savino, Michael Gianaris, Marisol Alcantara, Gustavo Rivera, Jamaal Bailey, and former State Senator Ruben Diaz Sr. Crowley then went on to praise the Progressive leadership of Governor Andrew Cuomo before introducing the Governor.
Governor Cuomo praised County Leader Crespo on his dedication to Puerto Rico, and for traveling with him to see the devastation to the island. He called Congressman Crowley a rising star in Washington, and did not want to touch Assembly Speaker Heastie’s comment about the Assembly being the upper house since he has to work with both the Assembly and State Senate. He said that he did not always agree with former State Senator Diaz, but he respected him. The governor went on to blast the national Republican Party and the current President for what their policies are doing to New York State economically, and that the new tax bill is aimed at the twelve states that are all Democratic. He added that he is one hundred percent behind Congressman Crowley in the move to win all congressional districts in New York.
Then came the subject of the State Senate, and the two vacant seats. He said with the reunification of the Senate Democratic Conference and the IDC Democrats need only one more seat to have control of the State Senate, saying that more Progressive Democratic legislation would then be passed. He then made his endorsement of Luis Sepulveda and introduced the next State Senator from the 32nd District Luis Sepulveda.
Soon to be State Senator Luis Sepulveda thanked the governor for his kind words, and said that he did not pick out the Orange and Blue colors behind him since they are the colors of the Mets, and he is a Yankee fan not a Met fan. He thanked his mentor now Councilman Ruben Diaz Sr., and hoped to see Mayor Ruben Diaz Jr. in 2021. He also praised former Bronx Democratic County leaders Roberto Ramirez, Jose Rivera, and Carl Heastie.
Sepulveda then went on to say he will be continuing his fight for justice, better education, that the elderly don’t have to decide to pay for medicines or the rent, to make poverty a thing of the past, and fight the assault on labor unions by the federal government. He said that he was glad to see the unification of the State Senate, and thanked Senator Stewart Cousins and his friend Senator Klein who he called a progressive. He thanked his wife and son, and his father saying that he owes all he is to today to his father.
Above – Governor Cuomo endorsing Luis Sepulveda for the 32nd State Senate seat.

Above – Elected officials clap as soon to be State Senator Luis Sepulveda thanks Governor Cuomo for his endorsement.
Below – The large crowd of elected officials at the Governors endorsement ranged from Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr., members of congress, members of the State Senate, members of the State Assembly, and members of the City Council.