National Award for Best Public School Teachers and WASSCE Students in Liberia
MONROVIA, Liberia, April 10, 2018/ — The European Union in partnership with the National Teachers Association of Liberia (NTAL) has launched a national award for the best public school teachers and students in Liberia. All public schools in the country are encouraged to nominate the best performing teachers in Liberia for the academic year 2017/2018 in the following categories: 1) Early childhood; 2) Primary school; 3) Junior high school; 4) Secondary school; 5) Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET); 6) Rural Teacher Training Institute trainer/Teachers’ College teacher.
The top public school teachers’ nation-wide in each of the above categories, together with the best performing male and female students in the West Africa Secondary School Certificate Examination (WASSCE), will receive a special recognition and award. The awards include smartphones, which are part of a donation made to NTAL in January 2018 on the closure of the European Union Election Observation Mission to Liberia, and copies of the re-edition of the book Legends of Liberia, a collection of orally transmitted traditional stories from across the sixteen tribes of Liberia, sponsored by the European Union.
The identification process for the National Award for the Best Public School Teachers in Liberia will include different stages of evaluation proceeding from school to district, county and national level. Eligibility criteria for each category have been developed by NTAL and the European Union Delegation to Liberia and the best teacher of the academic year 2017/2018 Is a dedicated teacher with a true passion for teaching committed to developing every child’s ability through his/her lessons. Is a creative teacher who uses creativity and innovation in the classroom. The teacher maintains the good practice of preparing lesson plans in advance with clear written-out objectives. Creates a safe and child friendly learning environment for the students. Fully upholds the Professional Standards, Ethics and the Code of Conduct for Teachers and School Administrators. For example does not request money from students (bribes) and does not request or encourage sexual favours (SGBV). Displays excellent skills in lessons presentation. Is fair in evaluating students. Is present in school, punctual, prepared and an organized teacher. Encourages team work in the classroom and values each and every student, including those with learning disabilities.
Winners of the national award for both the teachers and students categories will be announced in July 2018 following the publication of the WASSCE results.