Japan sets to launch coronavirus vaccines in June 2021


Japanese government has announced plan to launch coronavirus vaccines by June 2021 as the country is getting fully ready to host the postponed 2020 Olympics in 2021.

While disclosing this on Friday June 5, 2020, the Japan’s Health Minister, Katsunobu Kato, stated that Japan would bring coronavirus vaccines into use by the end of the first half of 2021.

He also added government would be securing production facilities in parralel with expedited vaccine development.

As Health professionals around the world are making efforts to develop a treatment for COVID-19, Japan hopes to start administering its researched coronavirus vaccines not later than June 2021.

The highly infectious coronavirus disease has become a deadly global threat, having spread rapidly across countries and killed nearly 400,000 people worldwide.

Vaccine process usually involves successful production stage before plans for actual vaccine production.

Japanese government has earmarked a total sum of 146 billion yen ($1.34 billion) for vaccine production and distribution. The funding is contained in the second extra budget approved by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe last month.

Shionogi & Co <4507.T> and AnGes Inc <4563.T> are among the Japanese pharmaceutical firms developing coronavirus vaccines.

Notable countries including the United are currently researching into coronavirus vaccines development and production. The US aims to involve between 100,000 and 150,000 volunteers to carry out massive clinical trials and deliver an effective vaccine before 2021.

In a space of a year from now, the country’s capital Tokyo is expected to host athletes from around the world between July 23 and August 8, 2021.

Japan still maintains a minimal surge of coronavirus infections with a report of around 17,000 confirmed cases and 900 known deaths to date.

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