OIC Youth Capital 2020: ICYF organizes Resilient Youth Leadership Summit


Islamic Cooperation Youth Forum, Ministry of Youth and Sports of the People`s Republic of Bangladesh and Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People`s Republic of Bangladesh have organized “Resilient Youth Leadership Summit” as part of the activities of the Dhaka – OIC Youth Capital 2020 International Programme slated between July 27 and 28, 2020.

This was disclosed on Monday July 20, 2020, by ICYF, an entity affiliated to the OIC.

According to ICYF, more than ten elaborate virtual mega-events engaging youth from across the globe have been designed for the celebration which is tagged “Dhaka – OIC Youth Capital 2020”.

The convergence of the yearlong events with the grand celebration of Bangabandhu Birth Centenary has amplified its significance to a great extent.

Dhaka-OIC Youth Capital 2020 will kick-off with a virtual inauguration ceremony on Monday July 27, 2020 by the Hon’ble Prime Minister of Bangladesh.

This inauguration ceremony will be followed by a virtual youth summit titled “Resilient Youth Leadership Summit” on Tuesday July 28, 2020, where global youth leaders will participate in various day long activities to learn and craft the strategies to build a Resilient World, particularly, in the context of this COVID-19 pandemic situation.

This programme is particularly important in the COVID-19 and post-COVID recovery and reconstruction of an equitable global economic order.

The summit will focus on the leadership, vision, ideation and imagination of the youth for constructing an innovative, resilient, and inclusive narrative to ensure a leadership position in the affairs of the world.

Dhaka-OIC Youth Capital 2020 believes that each new life comes with a potential and a promise.

It’s in the youth that this potential or the promise is embodied in the personality that the young human being slowly acquires.

This identity is impregnated with the acquired knowledge and experiences of all faiths, belief systems, ethnicities and national identities that the great human civilization has acquired over the many millennia of its existence in the universe.

Resilient Youth leadership Summit aims to bring together the individuals with promise for a better today and a for a brighter tomorrow.

Interested individuals can register here to participate in the summit

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