Ramadan Guide: Eidul Fitr


By Femi Abbas

e-mail: femabbas756@gmail.com

Tel: 08122697498


For everything that has a beginning in the life of man, there must be an end with a climax as well as an anti-climax. The climax of Ramadan fast is LaylatulQadr (the night of power). That is the night in which the very first revelation of the Qur’an was made to Prophet Muhammad (SAW). It is also the night in which the contents of that Glorious Book of Allah were reconfirmed annually to the Messenger of Allah.

Meeting Point

For all obedient servants of Allah, LaylatulQadr is the meeting point between the earth and the heaven. It is the rare opportunity, which the Almighty Allah offers the genuine Muslim Ummah to reshape their destiny and rekindle their spiritual hope.


The anti-climax of Ramadan fast begins with the disbursement of ZakatulFitr and ends with Eidul-Fitr. The former (Zakatul Fitr) is, essencially, a part and parcel of Ramadan fast. It is made obligatory by Prophetic tradition (Sunnah).


EidulFitr, on the other hand, is the festivity with which the Muslim Ummah expresses gratitude to the Almighty Allah for taking them successfully through another month of blessing, forgiveness and emancipation from the shackles of iniquities.


Eidul-Fitr is a special supererogatory prayer (Nafilah) consisting two Rakats and a sermon. The Rakats are observed congregationally a couple of hours after SalatulSubh. Its observance is immediately followed by a sermon to be delivered by the Imam or whoever leads the Salat.

In a normal situation, Observers of EidulFitr are supposed to wear a festive and not a mourning mood. After normal bath, they should dress up and look gay in appearance without necessarily being extravagant.

On their way to the praying ground, they should reaffirm the glorification of their Lord by chanting, individually or collectively, any of the following:

1. Allah Akbar (3ce) La ilahaillaLlah, Allah Akbar (2ce) WaLillahilhamdu.

2. SubhanaLlah, walhamdu lillah, wa la ilaha illa-Llah, Allah Akbar (3ce) wa la hawla wa la kuwwata illah billahil ‘Aliyyil-‘Alim.

At the Eid Ground

And, on getting to the praying ground, they should just sit down chanting any of the above listed renditions.

There is no observance of any Nafilat on individual basis because EidulFitr itself is Nafilat. The Imam leads the congregation in observing the two Rakats.

He then follows that up with a relevant sermon preferably in a language understandable to the congregation or through translation.

After Salatul Fitr

It is necessary to wait after EidulFitri Salat, to listen to the sermon which is more important than the observed Nafilah. Those who missed the prayer do not need to observe it thereafter. Listening to the sermon is enough for them.


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