Wanted Bashir travels to Egypt



By Godfrey Olukya 17-9-2012

Although on wanted list of International Criminal Court, (ICC) for crimes against humanity in Darfur, Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir yesterday flew to Cairo.

‘Bashir came and held talks with Egypt’s Mohamed Morsi in Cairo on Sunday.’ said Egypt’s official,Yusuf Ramis.

He said that Bashir went with a big delegation and was met at Cairo international airport by Egypt’s vice president Mahmud Mekki. He added that there was no any security threat during the visit.

He however did not disclose what was discussed by the two leaders. He said that after the two presidents had met for some time, ministers from the two countries also joined them.

That has been the first time for Bashir to visit Egypt since Islamist Morsi’s election in June this year.

Before the visit, Amnesty International had called on Egypt to withdraw it’s invitation to the Sudanese leader and arrest him if he
travels to Cairo.

Amnesty international policy and Campaign manager, Marek Marczynaski said that once Bashir is allowed into Egypt other wrong elements would also start going to hide there.

He said,”If Egypt welcomes Omar al-Bashir it will become a safe haven for alleged perpetrators of genocide.’

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