Egypt to host African legislators in charge of science
By Godfrey Olukya 14-10-2012
African Legislators in charge of science, technology and Innovation will be meeting from 16th to 18th October 2012 in Cairo, Egypt, to
exchange views on strengthening the already growing momentum of empowering and building the capacity of the legislators through a
common African dialogue in view to mainstream science, technology and innovation in Africa’s development efforts.
Organised by the Department of Human Resources Science and Technology (HRST) of the African Union Commission (AIUC) the workshop will be hosted by the Arab Republic of Egypt Minister in Charge of Higher Education and Scientific Research, who is also the current chair of the African Ministerial Conference on Science and Technology (AMCOST).
The AU Commission aims through this parliamentarian workshop to enhance the role of the legislators, in their capacity as trustees of
public mandate, representing the African people and their grass-roots organizations, to advance science, technology and innovation in Africa. The workshop will be held back to back with an African STI Resources Mobilization Workshop and participants will be drawn from the AU Member States and Representatives of the Standing Committees on STI in Parliaments.
‘The unique multi-sectoral approach of this Parliamentary workshop will enable the legislators to share information and best practices
to promote public knowledge and understanding of the work and role of Parliament on Africa’s STI development and how their influential position can fully be exploited to benefit this sector.’ said Dr. Mahama Ouedraogo Head of Science and Technology Division.
He added on that key outcomes expected in this meeting include strengthening the African platform for engaging policy-makers,
parliament legislators, scientists, private sector, the media, and representatives of the civil society in an active dialogue to advance
science and technology and innovation in Africa.