Over 100 rebels killed in Congo



By Godfrey Olukya 16-11-2012

Authorities in eastern democratic republic of Congo have claimed that over one hundred M23 rebels were yesterday killed by government troops during clashes.

The battle in which the rebels were killed reportedly took place near Goma town which the rebels have for sometime been attempting to capture.

The government troops success came just a few days after the rebels had confronted UN troops injuring some of them. UN alleges hat the M23 rebels have so far killed over 200 people in that region in the past five months.

According to area security officer, Pierre Mbulu the battle lasted for some time. He said,’ The government troops were better equipped and they killed 113 rebels. About 10 government soldiers sustained injuries.’

Government spokesman Lambert Mende confirmed the killing of the rebels. He said that the killed rebels were wearing Rwandan army

The United Nations has accused Uganda and Rwanda of supporting the rebels. The two countries have denied the accusations. Because of the UN claims Uganda has threatened to withdraw her peace keeping troops from Somalia.

M23 rebels leaders have accused the government troops of violating a ceasefire they agreed upon recently. But Congo army insists that it is the rebels who attacked them first.


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