I am writing to you to support of adding Halal food to the New York Public School Lunch System


Chancellor Dennis M. Walcott
New York City Board Of Education,
52 Chambers Street
New York, NY 10007

Dear Chancellor Walcott,

I am writing to you to support of adding Halal food to the New York
Public School Lunch System. Halal foods are foods that are allowed
under Islamic dietary guidelines which is an integral part of Islamic

As the public school system faces more and more children coming from
the Islamic countries in the City of New York the school lunch system
has  look in to make necessary changes. As there is no Halal food
available in the current system it is impossible for many children to
eat healthy lunches. As a mother of five, I’ve witnessed my children
coming home from school starving because they could not eat hamburger,
pork, hot dogs and etc at School. Without the Halal food options,
Muslim students would either need to make sure they ate only non-meat
cafeteria foods, or bring a lunch from home, entirely cutting them out
of the school lunch system.  The children of other Muslim-American
parents are at a grave disadvantage and unfortunate position in the
school system, academically and more importantly, health-wise. Our
children are growing and I am stressing the importance of the meals
that set in motion young minds that need energy to get the best
possible education from our school system.

Statistics shows more immigrants are coming to the country, which
signifies an exponential growth of students. There are more than
100,000 Muslims students in New York City and the number is growing
rapidly. Our children need all the help they can get and I think we
should concern ourselves with their health before all else. Food, as
well as recreation, is at the top of the agenda. To the extent that
Halal meals are healthy meals, “Teaching healthy eating habits pays
for itself down the line.”

Let’s feed them non-pork, Halal food if they are Muslim.
Muslim-American children come from Bangladesh, Pakistan, Indian, Ar
menia, Albania, Middle-East, just to name a few. In other words,
Muslim-American new-comers will continue to increase in our
classrooms. What is taught and what books are used are important, but
as a mother, I know that I would want my children to be able to have
lunch at lunch time.

Let’s work together so that our Muslim students can be benefit from
this change in the school lunch system.

In Solidarity,

Mazeda A. Uddin
646-318-4617; E-mail; womenofasaal@gmail.com
ASAAL National Women’s Coordinator
City of New York Mayor’s Office of Adult Education Teacher
Queens County Committee Member

Empowerment through Education, Activism, and Participation

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