Sudan starts registering guns with civilians
By Godfrey Olukya 2-1-2013
In the past Darfur has been hit with acts of terrorism, robbery and insurgency which has led to thousands of civilians being displaced into camps.
Officials in Sudan said that the exercise officially began on 30 January 2013 and will last for six months. During that period over 25,000 guns are expected to be registered.
The ministry of Interior, the Sudan Disarmament Demobilization and Reintegration Commission (SDDRC) and the Bonn International Centre for Conversion have reportedly recruited 200 people to support the registration and marking of small arms and light weapons.
Among the arms so far registered are those of ten local leaders, each representing a different tribe. The gesture of local leaders registering their guns was meant to give confidence to locals that the exercise is not only transparent but necessary and safe.
The inauguration ceremony was presided over by Sudanese Interior Minister Ibrahim Mahmoud Hamed and West Darfur Governor (Wali) Hayder Galoucome.
The programme is supported by thehe United Nations Development Programme NDP) and the African Union – United Nations Mission in Darfur (UNAMID) provided support to the SDDRC event through the provision of technical and logistical support.