Mozambican veterans beaten by police



By Godfrey Olukya    13-3-2013

Some Mozambican war veterans are nursing wounds after being beaten up by Mozambican police as they peacefully demonstrated  demanding for rise in their pension in the country’s capital Maputo.

The hundreds of veteran who had yesterday gathered near the office of Prime Minister Alberto Vaquina in  Maputo to demand the government to increase their from about 300 US dollars to 660 US dollars were shocked when police responded by manhandling them.

At least 9 people sustained severe injuries and were rushed to hospital for treatment. 8 others were arrested by police.

The veterans leader, Hermino dos Santos said that police treated them inhumanly by beating them with batons and directing tear gas at them yet they were peacefully gathered to demand for their right.

Santos said, ‘They treated the veterans like criminals. Some were badly beaten and sustained injuries. Others were arrested.

The veterans said that they will continue to fight for their rights. However, the authorities advised them to use the right offices while demanding for their rights instead of demonstrating.



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