Terrorists attack UN offices in Somalia



By Godfrey Olukya 19-6-2013

The Special Representative of the Chairperson of the African Union Commission (SRCC) for Somalia, Ambassador Mahamat Saleh Annadif has strongly condemned today’s terrorist attack on the United Nations Common Compound in Mogadishu by Al-Shabaab terrorists.

A group of terrorists reportedly attacked the offices and engaged peace keepers and Somali troops in gun fighting for a long period of
time. Several people on both sides lost their lives during the fighting.

“We strongly condemn the cowardly attack on the United Nations compound in Mogadishu. These futile attacks by Al-Shabaab are only aimed at disrupting the ongoing efforts by the Somali people to recover from years of violence in Somalia and will not deter our
collective efforts to continue supporting the people of Somalia rebuild their country” said The Special Representative of the
Chairperson of the African Union Commission for Somalia, Ambassador Mahamat Saleh Annadif.

Ambassador Mahamet Annadif praised the quick reaction of AMISOM Special Forces and Somali security forces and stressed that AMISOM will spare no efforts to stabilize Somalia. The African Union and AMISOM today stand with the Somali people,” said Amb Annadif, as he sent his condolences to those who had lost loved ones in the attack and his prayers for the quick recovery of the


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