Land fragmentation is not good for Africa
By Godfrey Olukya 15-7-2015
Land fragmentation is not good for development in Africa because it deters large scale food production,among other disadvantages.
Uganda’s president, Yoweri Museveni has cautioned families in Africa against land fragmentation, saying that there is need for standardized development in each sub county.
Museveni has cautioned families against land fragmentation especially after the head of the home passes on, saying this has caused agriculture deterioration and caused feuds. He urged families to share profits from the developments on the land rather than dividing up the land.
The President was yesterday speaking at a public rally at Dwaniro Sub county, Kyankwanzi District in central Uganda where he addressed veterans on governments’ reinforcement of the poverty eradication campaign at the household level.
The President noted that a number of people who have large acreages of land and have engaged in commercial agriculture are performing well with improved production and urged families to always protect their land from fragmentation.
He urged people to engage in modern agro production for home consumption and incomes. He called on them to focus on cost effective projects such as rearing of exotic dairy cows in on order to ensure high milk production.