Rabies kill 10 in Democratic republic of Congo
By Godfrey Olukya 8-10-2013
Reports from Democratic republic of Congo(DRC) indicate that at least ten people have died of rabies.
According to Doctors without borders(MSF) in DRC, the deaths follow an outbreak in the east of the Democratic Republic of Congo.
The outbreak has reportedly infected 154 people, including a father and son who were bitten by a member of their own family. The father, 27, and his seven year old son, were infected after being bitten by a younger son who was dying of the disease. Both were treated with an anti rabies vaccine and given immunoglobulin.
Dr Jantina Mandelkow, who leads MSF’s team in Lemera, in DRC’s South Kivu region, said, “I held my breath when I heard that a child dying of rabies had bitten and infected his father and brother – it was horrific. It’s an impossible situation. Family members would obviously want to be with those who are ill, but when a person has rabies they can be a danger to people around them.
“I’ve only seen one other case of rabies in my career as a doctor and it was one of the worst things I have ever seen. Rabies leads to death without treatment, and people in Lemera were incredibly scared – many walked for days to get to the hospital for treatment. With vaccinations unavailable elsewhere, they had nowhere else to turn.”
MSF’s teams have already vaccinated 106 people. If untreated, rabies is invariably fatal, and leads to a slow and painful death. Treatment involves vaccinating people who have been bitten or scratched by a suspected rabid dog and administering post-exposure treatment where necessary. With vaccinations unavailable in DRC, MSF’s team had to order them from Europe before they could start their emergency intervention.
With reports of new bites coming from remote areas, MSF is set to donate vaccines and post exposure treatment to the Ministry of Health so they can treat the remaining cases.
After decades of conflict and instability in DRC, measures to prevent animal-to-human transmission of the virus have not been implemented. To properly contain the outbreak, MSF is also asking the authorities to provide free vaccinations for domestic animals since most people can not afford to pay for it.”