Anti Islamic political campaign fuels murder of imam
Anti Islamic political campaign fuels murder of imam
New York, 08/22/2016
The murderer of Bangladeshi Imam and his secretary appears to the court for the 2nd time. But, the reason behind the murder is still not clear. Bangladeshi Muslim community expressing dissatisfaction about administration.
Imam Alauddin Akounji and his secretary Tarauddin was shot dead in Ozone Park, Brooklyn on August 13, 2016. The murderer Oscar Morales appears in the court on August 18, 2016 for the 2nd time. The NYPD is saying that the murder claims the murder, but he is claiming himself as innocent in the court. Bangladeshi community people thinks that it is one of the hate crimes while the administration is not taking as admitting it so.
When Oscar Morel was presented in the court, his friends greeted him for his 36th birthday. His friends says that they love him. His mother and brother did not talk to the media. The defendents lawyer said that it not him who did the murder, but who did, may did hate crime. But the murderer is not his client. The court says that Oscar Morel is not acceptable for getting bail out yet.
Community leaders and political leaders met in a conference and express their concern about this murder. They said that it is the result of anti Muslim political campaign. Few leaders are spreading invalid fear about Muslims in America for political gain. The secretary of American Muslim Writers Association, Poet Habib Foyezi, said that we are noticing that safety in community is becoming vulnerable everyday. Muslims are afraid to go to Masjid for daily prayer.