Man in swimming attire attempts board plane


By Godfrey Olukya 20-12-2016

A white man shocked workers at Malawi airport when he attempted to board a plane while in ”swimming pants.”

Greig Bannatyne, was reportedly was attempting to board a South African Airways flight when security at the airport intercepted him.

According to one of the security officers,Tom Mulenge, Greig had been taking part in a charity swim in Lake Malawi,which is not far from the airport.

”When we asked him why he wanted to board while in pants he said that he had not come along with clothes to change in after swimming.” said Mulenga.

However it was later established that he was led to do so by his swimming mates.He beted with them that he could do so and they promised to contribute charity money if he did so.

When he told them that he had no clothes to change into, they dared him to fly home in his swimming costume, and pledged to donate money to charity if he went through with it.

Geeig said,”The swimmers and support crew pledged money if I succeeded in flying home in my Speedos,” he said.

Police held him briefly for questioning before he was let to go but he had to dress decently before boarding the plane.

Interestingly, the charity money promised by his swimming mates was all the same raised 2,000 US dollars was raised.


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