An EXPO on future of finance in Africa is to be held in Nigeria.
By Godfrey Olukya 26-12-2016
Use Mobile money and other digital form of transactions in Africa are becoming very popular in most African countries.
It is for that reason that an EXPO related to such transactions is to be held in Nigeria on March 22, 2017 at Oriental hotel in Lagos.
According to the organization that promotes such transactions called ”CashlessAfrica ” digital disruption is shifting the balance stay of power in financial services and influencing the way, millions of people bank their money, make payments, remittances and more, in a continent where mobile phone penetration exceed bank accounts and bank cards ownership, combined.
In a statement it issued it has said that Africa’s highly regulated financial industry now needs to adapt itself to the on-going disruptions in the Fintech space and the increasing demands of young and energetic customers which represent a significant percentage of the continent’s population.
The CashlessAfrica conference is a platform for financial services supply side actors to share their innovation, rethink their current models and gain valuable market insight of the African digital financial services market.
The conference agenda, keynote and interactive sessions will focus on carefully selected topics such as the future of banking, money and payments.
It added on that the expo will host a Hackathon session which will drive collaboration to co-create solutions to compelling financial services challenges across Africa and the CashlessAfrica champion awards, given to organizations that have made a significant contribution to the digital financial services industry in Africa.
Speakers already signed up from Helix institute, Pwc Nigeria, Oradian, Millicom, Voguepay, Barclays Bank, Musoni, Wallettec, Konga, Redcloud, TransferTo, Chamsmobile, ConnectAfrica, Hormuud Telecoms, Impala pay and M-paya.