The Reason Why I’m With Peace December


Dear friends and Peace family.


As we get ready to conclude our noble efforts in bringing peace and harmony in all homes, hamlets and cities from all corners of the world in 2016, It pleases me a great deal to see people in faraway places embracing this movement solely because of what it stands.  People who do not even know us yet are willing to sacrifice tremendously in the furtherance of this cause.

That is why I’m here to assure you that you’ve made the right decision. You’ve joined the right movement. You’ve invested in the worthy cause.

Now as one of the leaders behind this noble movement that you’ve been a part of, I would like to make a brief personal introduction of why I’m a committed member of Peace December. I hope to read yours as well.

Seven months after the tragic attack on the World Trade Center in New York City, my city, my love, I became a different person. I became a soldier. I became a man.

When I saw people flying from the top floors of the Twin Towers (a place I was very familiar with) escaping hell with full realization of certain death, nonetheless saw it as the only option, I personally went into mental and psychological breakdown.  I was out of it. Because I saw my father, my mother and myself in those innocent persons. I did not see strangers/others. I felt the pain and agony of those innocent persons’ families from wherever they were watching it as I did.  I saw my hardworking colleagues on Wall Street in those innocent hardworking martyrs flying. I saw men, women, children and grandparents in those innocent New Yorkers who went to work as usual to keep the roof above head, food on table and clothe on their family’s backs. I saw many horrendous things in those innocent souls that I did not like and were determine to change. I saw evil in the worst form in those innocent fathers, mothers, uncles, sisters, brothers, sons, daughters, bosses, employees, police officers, firefighters, tourists and many other souls. I saw it. I seized it.

So my transformation journey had then begun right from there. I spent the next seven months functioning like everybody else on the outside yet deeply wounded inside to a point where I used to talk to myself even in public, to people’s notice. I used to said repeatedly I will not share this world quietly with individuals capable of putting their fellow human beings in such horrendous certain death predicament. I would never do it. I will not be silent. Not me. Not now. Not ever.

I made a pledge to my Creator in the middle of the year 2002 that I pledged my life, resources and intellect to the cause of peaceful coexistence among all of His creation. That I would not compromise the principles of peaceful coexistence. That I would not have insincere or superficial relations with others. That I would not allow religious and racial walls to separate me from my human family. That I would always walk my talks towards peace and harmony among all peoples. That I would use all available mechanism to promote peace, love and harmony among all. That I would not or ever be silent in the midst of injustice. Etc…

This is why I am part of Peace December family and I thought you needed to know about it. Thank you all and God bless! Happy Peace December! Please share your reasons with the family.


Sheikh Musa Drammeh

Peace December member

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