Third Riadha Mosque official kidnapped in Nairobi – Kenya
The kidnapping of Riadha Mosque officials has become a frequent act in Kenya. Just of recent, a former Riadha Mosque official was abducted in Nairobi on Monday by some people who were believed to be police officers. He has been missing for two days now.
The victim, Mohamed Abbas, a Nyeri resident aged 69, was kidnapped at about 11am while waiting to board a vehicle at Coast stage in Kawangware, Nairobi. The father of six becomes the third Riadha official to go missing under confusing circumstances. Abbas’ family members said he had visited his daughter on Sunday and was on his way to another relative’s home. He was to return to Nyeri after this.
In addition, witnesses explained that two men waylaid, kicked, handcuffed and bundled him into a waiting grey Subaru, registration number KBR 983 K. They said the attackers brandished guns to scare off members of the public who tried to prevent the abduction. The vehicle then sped off.
Fatma Yusuf, Abbas’ second born daughter, told the media:
“We have gone to all police stations and the ATPU but are told our dad is not there. They also don’t know the owner of the car. We are anxious and in pain, if they are kidnappers why should they go for a frail and poor old man?”
With a pained heart, she pleaded for her father to be set free and his whereabout should be revealed saying he needs medical attention.
A relative Fatma Athman also said:
“My uncle suffers from several chronic ailments including diabetes, high blood pressure and hernia. We appeal for any information on his whereabouts so we can take care of him.”
It was further confirmed that Abbas was a trustee of the mosque in Majengo before he retired to his Nyeri home. Two other officials were also taken by unknown people under mysterious circumstances.
It was reported last year that Dr Abdalla Waititu, a pharmacist at Kagundo hospital, was abducted at work by people believed to be security officers. Waititu was the chairman of the committee and had been leading efforts to recover grabbed mosque properties. He is yet to be found.
Also in the same year, another official of the mosque was picked by four men believed to be police from his California estate home in Nairobi. Abdul Karuri, a 35-year-old father of two, is also yet to be found.
However, Kenyan security agencies have been on the spot for an increasing number of summary executions and forced disappearances of suspects of terrorism and other crimes. Local and international human rights organisations have called for President Uhuru Kenyatta to form a commission of inquiry to investigate the cases.
The government have been accused of being involved in systematic mannerof abductions, killings and disappearances of muslim official workers in Kenya.
In order defend such accusation, the President signed a law that guarantees freedom from torture, cruelty and punishment.The legislation outlines principles of the Convention Against Torture and cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. It provides for reparations to victims.The law also empowers the Kenya National Commission on Human Rights to investigate alleged violations under the Act. The President also signed a law for judges to retire at 70 years, ending a debate instigated by retired Deputy Chief Justice Kalpana Rawal.
Kenya government has ordered its security personnel to go on a thorough search for the kidnapped victim. It was announced that any information about the whereabout of the victim should be reported to the security agency. The government finally promised to act accordingly in order to prevent the occurrence of similar act in future.