“Crimes, violence, poverty, injustice, and inequity are caused by our leaders…” – says Sheikh Musa Drammeh


At a press conference organized on Tuesday by residents of Bronx area in the New York City, Peace December Movement chairman, Sheikh Musa Drammeh accused Bronx political office holders of not working the talk. He said directly or indirectly violence and injustice in the region are caused by these political office holders.

“Crime, violence, poverty, injustice and inequity are, (though inevitable), caused and committed by our leaders who are failing us on daily basis,” said Drammeh.

He further lamented that the lackadaisical attitude of these political office holders has cause serious damage to Bronxites as the case of Souleyman Porgo, an African street vendor in Bronx who was attacked by some gangsters in the community, has painted Bronx red in the eyes of the whole world.

“Our children are dying, our families are dying and Souleyman’s case is now round the world. And people are seeing how ugly Bronx is, … and how criminal Bronxites are – just by one case traveling around the world,” he added.

The activist finally called on them to be truthful in their dealings with the Bronxites, and ensure that proper and adequate resources are provided in order to curb and drastically alleviate crime, violence, insecurity and injustice in the community.

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