Peace December Principles


Dear Friends:


To clarify an important issue concerning our movement.


Let it all be known that no one in the leadership position in this movement is to ever promote, affiliate, benefit or otherwise normalize violence and indecency, public or private. We are wholly peacemaking volunteer movement that would not compromise our unwavering stands on peaceful coexistence, equal justice, decency, public safety and quality of life in all communities. We do not support indecency in entertainment, movies, socialized venues and our logos must not be displayed in such places. We would be blessed to be notified immediately upon anyone’s privy to any hypocrisy within our leadership. Our talks must always be our walks that is why we do not accept donations from violence and indecency promoting corporations and individuals. We are developing our own peaceful accessories to self-sufficient. Thank you all for your help!

To confidentially report emerging concerns, please contact us at: 1-718-822-5555

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