No Confidence In NAACP President Cornell Brooks Leadership
Washington, DC – The National Black Church Initiative (NBCI), a faith-based coalition of 34,000 Churches comprised of 15 denominations and 15.7 million African Americans, agrees with the unyielding 64 member board of the NAACP to not renew the contract of President Cornell William Brooks. He failed to uphold the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He bought into the CNN, MSNBC, and the Huffington Post pro and radical gay agenda to minimize the African American political and economic power and influence and to promote a gay friendly agenda over and against the background of the suffering of African American people, African American children and African American faith-voters.
The reason why Black Lives Matter had to create their own separate organization was because they could not find a home in the traditional Black organizations because they did not have any room for the young frustration of this extraordinary movement that we have witnessed. The NAACP has always been the training ground of our young men and women so that they can take leadership in the future. It is not so today.
Rev. Anthony Evans President of the National Black Church Initiative says, “I am sad to see Rev. brother Brooks leave. The NAACP does not believe in giving leadership a chance to grow, that being said when you are a Minister of the Gospel you cannot adopt Pontius Pilate’s agenda. Not only will you fail, the Scripture says you shall fail. Actually, this may be good for this brother because it frees him now to be an instrument that God can use in the future. This is why we had to make it very clear that we had no confidence in him as a President of the NAACP but we have confidence in him as a Minster of the Gospel. Now I hope he comes over and joins the National Black Church Initiative, we can use a great brother like this.”
The donors became more important than the cause. Rev. Brooks chose the liberal theology imposed on him by his donors and sacrificed his call to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Cornell William Brooks is a very decent human being who has outstanding leadership skills and should assume a leadership positon in the future of any organization. The National Black Church Initiative will work with him in the future but we will not work with individuals who abandon their calling to adopt a liberal friendly agenda and reject the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The late Julian Bond once told me in a conversation that he is prepared to receive any money from any organization because he had to meet a payroll. I simply, as a Minister of the Gospel raised the theological question, ‘What would it profit a man to gain the world and lose his soul?’ (Mark 8:38)
Julian Bond, Benjamin Jealous and now Rev. Cornel William Brooks decided to auction off the soul and the rich history and culture of African Americans for the sake of meeting the payroll of the NAACP. This means that they pushed African American interests second and promoted the interests of their donors, particularly their gay donors, over and above the agenda of the African American community. Our agenda is clear and has been spelled out so many times. Rev. Fauntroy once told me years ago, about the African American Agenda, he said it is the Church first and our belief in God through Jesus Christ, then education, health, the vote, economic development and housing. The last time we opposed the NAACP was when they began supporting same sex marriage
When any of our Black leaders compromise these sacred agenda principles or water it down to accommodate their donors we undermine the heritage of Harriet Tubman, W.E.B Du Bois, Marcus Garvey, H. Rap Brown, Kwame Ture, Martin King, Malcolm X and Muhammed Ali. The Black Agenda must be just as important as anyone else’s. We should never compromise the Gospel or our agenda period!
Malcolm X used to say I will take any liberal whites money but they cannot affect the agenda of Black people. But, this is not what the NAACP has been doing over the past 30 years. They have adopted everybody’s agenda other than Black people’s.
Coalition politics at the right time is an appropriate strategy, it is not to be used on every issues because there are difference of approaches, issues and opinions. The Black Church will always promote Black Faith Church goers over and above anyone else.