President Jacob Zuma grounded by the Cape Town storm.


On Tuesday, reports were written that the President of South Africa Jacob Zuma was to address the opening ceremony of the 69th World News Media Congress in South Africa, Durban, on Wednesday this week.

This annual Congress, is organized by the World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers (WAN/IFRA). It is a forum that brings together more than 1000 newspaper publishers and chief editors from over 80 countries, to discuss about issues and challenges faced by the media sector.

“South Africa is honored to be holding this very important gathering of international press on behalf of the African continent. We look forward to a meaningful dialogue and innovative ideas that will improve the media sector, and ensure that the media plays a leading role in building a peaceful and prosperous world,” President Jacob Zuma was reported saying on Tuesday, about the ceremony.

The press takes place at the Inkosi Albert Luthuli International Conventional Center, from Wednesday through Friday this week.

However, according to the current situation of Cape Town in South Africa experiencing a heavy storm, the president was not able to address the congress. It was announced on Wednesday.

Sources show that, due to the extreme weather conditions, the President was not able to fly out of Cape Town to the destination.

“Due to the extreme weather conditions in Cape Town, President Jacob Zuma will be unable to address the Opening Ceremony of the 69th World News Media Congress in Durban this evening,” said The Presidency in a statement on Wednesday.

Cape Town currently, is battling a massive storm, which hit the Mother City on Tuesday night around 11 pm.

Hundreds of people have been displaced and several have died. Schools and some universities too, were forced to close as a result.




Correspondent: Shamira Abdallah

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