Sudan’s president attends South Sudan peace summit in Ethiopia


It was confirmed earlier on Monday by the Sudan Foreign Ministry that Omar Al-Bashir, the president of Sudan, was to attend South Sudan’s peace summit hosted in Addis Ababa, the capital city of Ethiopia.

The summit was of the Inter-Governmental Authority on Development (IGAD), scheduled to discuss about the security and humanitarian conditions in South Sudan.

The summit was arranged to be attended by the heads of states from the Horn of Africa countries, on Monday.

In that case, South Sudan, which was the main point of discussion, led by President Salva Kirr, Sudan, Ethiopia and Djibouti were expected. Uganda and Kenya, the Great Lakes countries, were also to be awaited in Ethiopia for South Sudan peace discussion.

“The President’s participation in the summit comes as part of his personal concern with the current and worrying situation in the Republic of South Sudan and, as part of his endless struggles to help in stopping the war and acquire peace and stability in the country,” said Abdul-Ghani Al-Naeem, the undersecretary of Sudan’s Foreign Ministry in a statement.

It was reported and confirmed by the Foreign Ministry that, the heads of states in the summit, discussed about the political instabilities in South Sudan. Later on, they also focused on how best to implement the peace deal that was signed by South Sudan’s President Salva Kirr and his rival now, the ousted Vice President Riak Machar, in 2015.

It is remembered that in August 2015, President Salva kirr and the rebels’ leader Riak Machar, signed a deal which was meant to end months of brutal civil war and would see Riak Machar back as the Vice President.

For the refugees that escape from South Sudan to the neighbouring countries, Sudan has opened humanitarian corridors to supply necessary aids.

Furthermore, Sudan currently hosts 400,000 South Sudanese refugees inside its boarders.
The United Nations last month, praised Sudan for its effort to support national fundraising efforts of charity organizations, to assist those in need in a struggle to ease the humanitarian crisis in South Sudan.


Correspondent: Shamirah Abdallah

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