“The time for Eritrea to take bold action for human rights protection is long overdue…” – Sheila Keetharuth


Recent reports from Eritrea have been focusing on the abuse of Human Rights and the adverse effect on her community. A good number of people from the region have registered their displeasure and called on the Government to review her holds.

Some of the worse cases of breach on Human Rights have been reported, seeking justice from the International community’s interventions. Another statement of displeasure came from Ms. Keetharuth,  who described government’s inactions as a crime against humanity.

“I regret to report that, as of now, the Government has made no effort to end ongoing human rights violations, which the Commission of Inquiry on Human Rights in Eritrea described as amounting to crimes against humanity.”

Ms. Keetharuth is quoted to have lamented the poor state of affairs on Human rights issues in Eritrea, stating that “The time for Eritrea to take bold action for human rights protection is long overdue,” and the need for authorities “to rise above the rhetoric it has used over the last five years when addressing the [Council]. She called on the government to “put its obligations under human rights treaties into effect.”

She further pin pointed areas that the government must not delay in its response to change the game, hoping that such intervention may at least put Eritrea on her way to improvement on issues around human rights.

“Such specific, time-bound targets would help Member States assess Eritrea’s progress. I hope that, as of next year, we will be able to celebrate the first steps of tangible improvements that will make a change in people’s life in Eritrea.”

“It is incumbent on the Eritrean authorities to dialogue with the Eritrean people while respecting and protecting their rights.”

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