UN expert calls on Central African Republic to protect its population


Ms. Keita Bocoum has called on CAR government to look critically into the increasing issue of human rights violations and the recent spread of armed groups as it threatens the safety and security of property in the land. She noted that the country must regain the integrity and sovereignty of its territory, especially in the regions of Ouaka, Mbomou and Basse-Kotto.

“This situation is unsustainable and the country must regain the integrity and sovereignty of its territory without further delay, to ensure security and the rule of law.”

Ms. Keita Bocoum reminded the government of her responsibility in protecting the citizens. The UN stabilization force, she added, must support the local efforts of the government in ensuring this end. Ms. Keita Bocoum, while commending the efforts of government with their move of appointing a special prosecutor at the Special Criminal Court, noted that government must stay true and committed to fighting the war against impunity

“The State has an obligation to protect the population. The international community, especially the UN stabilization force MINUSCA, must work alongside the State to implement this responsibility effectively.

“The fight against impunity is essential to solve the country’s crisis. It is heartening to see some progress on this front, such as the appointment of a special prosecutor at the Special Criminal Court and the establishment of a National Commission on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms.

“But these steps forward must be placed in the framework of a national human rights policy, which gives people equal access to their economic, social and cultural rights.”

In addition to her call, Ms. Keita Bocoum expressed her excitement to see some of the caretakers of the country springing up in the bid to stabilize and sanitize the country.

“The authorities I met, including the diplomatic corps, government and parliament, unanimously affirmed their determination to combat impunity and to rule out any possibility of amnesty for war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide, in accordance with the Bangui forum, the CAR constitution and the international conventions ratified by the Central African Republic.”

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