Tale of 2 Big Apples.


As we celebrate our nation’s independence, we must also help the residents in some of the city’s neighborhoods celebrate independence from the ‘evil twins’ of poverty and violence.

New York City is home to some of the world’s most talented, creative and daring individuals and one of the top destinations for aforesaid individuals who help maintain its cutting edge of innovativeness.  It’s also home to the nation’s most competently trained professional law enforcement agencies that thankfully have brought down its overall crimes to their lowest level in decades and made it the safest big city in the country.

Notwithstanding these great attributes however, some of the city’s neighborhoods have yet to escape the ravages of extreme poverty and chronic violent crimes, an ‘evil twin’ robbing too many of our youths’ lives and potentials.

Against this dichotomy, Community Public Safety Partnership (CPSP) has been exploring and implementing various grassroots initiatives to help equalize public safety and quality of life among all city’s neighborhoods. Through its coordinated borough/citywide Peacemakers Dinners, it’s promoting the concept of residents using their natural and acquired talents to uplift and empower their neighbors for peaceful coexistence sake.  So to uplift a neighbor or be uplifted, attend a Peacemakers Dinner in your neighborhood. #cpsp #mycitymybusiness


P.S. Community Public Safety Partnership is made up of city’s community base organizations that provide grassroots preventives services to crime, violence and poverty.

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