COMESA sets to deploy representatives to observe the coming presidential and general elections in Rwanda and Kenya


According to the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA), the organisation will deploy short term electoral observation missions to the upcoming presidential and general elections in Rwanda and Kenya as scheduled for 4th and 8th August 2017 respectively. Both missions, according to the report, will be led by members of the COMESA Committee of Elders.

As disclosed in the press release issued Friday, 21st of July, Ambassador Dr. Simbi Mubako from Zimbabwe will lead the team to Kenya. This team is however expected to arrive in Nairobi on 30 July 2017. On the other hand, Bishop Mary Nkosi from Malawi will lead another team to Rwanda. And, are expected to arrive Kigali on 27 July, in advance.

The teams’ role at the election is to observe the pre-election, election and post-election activities. Also, they are to consult with other key stakeholders in both countries. Their mandate is to issue preliminary statements immediately after observing the elections while comprehensive reports should follow after 90 days.

In line with COMESA’s expectations, it is believed that elections play a pivotal role in societal transformation in the region and provide a footstall for entrenching democratic principles. The press release further stated that “premised on this critical role, Member States have continued holding periodic elections which have heralded a new dawn by signifying steady progress towards deepening and institutionalizing democracy in the 19-member bloc.”

COMESA disclosed that “Kenya has made commendable progress in galvanizing its economic gains and development. This general elections, according to records, in Kenya will be the second after the promulgation of a new constitution in 2010. The new constitution which is considered progressive in the region introduced new political positions.

It should be recalled that Since 2008, COMESA has continued to support the elections process in Rwanda. COMESA observed the parliamentary elections that were held in 2008, 2013 and the presidential elections held in 2010. These observation culture of COMESA is as a means of promoting and consolidating democracy in the region.













Correspondent: Ridwan A. Olayiwola

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