Ugandan airforce strikes South Sudanese rebels in the Upper Nile


In a bid to help the neighboring country where quite a number of people have fled and several have lost their lives, Uganda’s military war planes carried out airstrikes on a South Sudan armed opposition position in the Upper Nile.

According to Brig. General william Gatjiath Deng, the SPLA-10 rebel official spokesman, the Ugandan President has publicaly declared himself as a supporter of President Salva Kiir.

Brig. Deng said in a statement that two heavily armed Ugandan gunships bombed one of the rebels’ positions in Upper Nile’s Thochdeng  on Friday.

“It was late evening on Friday at around 3:30 pm, when two Ugandan gunships accompanied by a white (MI) Helicopter appeared and landed with in two minutes near the enemy trenches, and started bombardment on the SPLA-10 positions at Thochdeng,” explained Brig. Gen. William Gatjiath Deng.

However, Brig. Deng reported that the rebels’ forces also immediately returned  fire in an extreme way, forcing the gunships to loose focus and left.

Deng also reported that no body was killed during the attack.

“The SPLA-10 artilaries had excessively retariated the air attack with (Zuu-23), until the gunships went and randomly bombarded on the surrounding villages at Thochdeng,” Deng added.

Brig. Deng later explained that, the government assault on their position, forced their troops to carryout some offensive attacks on the government too, leading to the death of atleast 37 government soldiers.

“The SPLA-10 forces of division five (5) under Cdr. Major general Khor Chuol Giet and the Tiger Batallions led by Cdr. Brigadier general Daniel Gabel Kuach, took an assault on the enemy’s base. After the bombardment, 37 government soldiers were killed and they also raided a good number of light guns,” Deng elaborated the incident.

Brig. Deng in his press statement described President Yoweri Museveni, the Ugandan president, and the South Sudanese President Salva Kiir, as notorious leaders.

Deng also promised the press that their forces are ready to always fight back as much as they can, to protect their stronghold.













Correspondent: Shamilah Namuddu

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