Zimbabwe veterans accuse the first lady of capturing President Mugabe, they want him voted out of power


Zimbabwe ex-liberation fighters are going hard on their word. The veterans yesterday were reported saying that they would storm the ZANU-PF party and fix things there, all that had gone wrong in the past years.

They also waged that they had reached a point of no return, or they would rather be killed – the veterans vowed all of this through their secretary general, Matemadanda.

On Wednesday, the veterans have accused Grace Mugabe, President Mugabe’s wife of capturing the veteran leader due to his advanced age. They added that the nonagenarian should be collectively voted out of power in 2018 when Zimbabwe will hold the next general elections, says a report.

Victor Matemadanda, the Secretary General of the Zimbabwe National Liberation War Veterans’ Association, was reported saying that it was time that the war veterans “started building bridges” with the country’s opposition parties to get rid of President Mugabe.

Matemadanda allegedly said that Zimbabwe is literally run by Grace, the first lady, and not Mugabe.

The Secretary General described poverty, joblessness and Mugabe as the major problems that Zimbabwe has got, which need to be dealt with

“We have to make sure that he is put out of power in 2018 as a collective. Unfortunately, we have been too polarized to the point that we are forgetting that (MDC-T president, Morgan) Tsvangirai, Joice Mujuru (National People’s Party) or Welshman Ncube (MDC) are not the enemies,” Matemadanda was quoted saying.

“Our greatest enemy is poverty, unemployment and Mugabe, who wants to die with Zimbabwe,” he said.

It is remembered that Mugabe (93) has been the only President of Zimbabwe since the country gained her independence from the British, and still comes as a presidential candidate in Zimbabwe’s next year election.

He has on different occasions been advised to name a successor a thing that he first said was not his job, then later said he had not found a suitable person to replace him.

The veterans are backing the Vice President, Emmerson Mnangagwa, who was widely seen as positioning himself for Mugabe’s post, while some sources also prove that Grace Mugabe, the first lady, is also eyeing the presidential seat.















Correspondent: Shamilah Namuddu

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