Iran continues missile program as it opens new term- says President Hassan Rouhani


On Friday 4th August 2017, Irani President Hassan Rouhani stated that Iran would continue his missile program as it opened a new chapter in new era.

Rouhani said as he was sworn in front of top political and military officials, “We will never accept isolation. The nuclear deal is a sign of Iran’s goodwill on the international stage.”

Tehran said that the new measures violate its 2015 deal with world powers. The deal was made that it would ease sanctions in exchange for curbs on its nuclear program, an agreement which Trump has repeatedly threatened to tear up.

US President Donald Trump after 24 hours confirmed fresh sanctions against Iran.

According to official state Television Deputy Foreign Minister Abbas Araghchi said, “We believe that the nuclear deal has been violated and we will react appropriately,

“We will certainly not fall into the trap of US policy and Trump, and our reaction will be very carefully considered.”

Khamenei took a tougher line, saying Iran must not fall for Washington’s “tricks”. “The enemy’s hostility has made us more resistant,” the supreme leader said.

Iranian officials said, “They have prepared a 16-point document for how they will respond to the new sanctions, without giving details.

“The new parliament will also vote on a bill boosting financial support to the Revolutionary Guards and the country’s missile program, which are targeted by the sanctions.”

Ellie Geranmayeh, an Iran analyst with the European Council on Foreign Relations said, “It’s unfortunate timing,

“What will be absolutely critical is how the Europeans position themselves.”

“What Iranians are banking on at the moment, maybe overestimating, is that Europe will safeguard and build on the deal, and make it too politically costly for Trump to tear it up, or at least show Washington that if it walks away, it will be doing so alone,” said Geranmayeh.









Reporter: Syeda Faiza Bukhari

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