Southeast Asian countries need unity – says Singaporean Ambassador


Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) marked its 50th anniversary the following year and the biggest challenge those nations faced is unity.

On August 8, 2017 Singaporean Ambassador Professor Tommy Koh told the Asian News Channel in Manila the capital of Philippines, “The biggest challenge for the regional group moving forward will be for it to stay united.”

According to the Philippines believe they started day long celebrations on Tuesday considered to mark the milestone.

He presented a commemorative on the behalf of Late Former Foreign Minister S Rajarantam who was among five founding leaders of ASEAN when the agreement was signed on August 8, 1967 marking the formation of the regional bloc.

Koh was a close friend of Mr. Rajaratnam and trustee of his state. He said, “The secret of ASEAN’s success was the friendship of five founding fathers.

The others were the late Former Malaysian deputy prime minister Tun Abdul Razak, and late former foreign minister Anam Malik of Indonesia, Narciso Ramos of Philippines and Thanat Khoman of Thailand.












Correspondent: Syeda Faiza Bukhari

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