Antidote to Prejudice


Dear Peacemakers:

This statement of position is based on our limited experience concerning the persistent racial, religious and socioeconomic divide of this and other nations with diverse populations. Our experience from the Peacemakers Dinners is that although we may live in the same county/city, 1. There is not real intimate interactions among diverse groups, and 2. Those who interact, do so superficially.

Therefore these Peacemakers Dinners are the antidote to this individualistic coexistence that have been nurturing our ignorance, biases and divisions. We firmly believe the more we eat together intimately and strategize together, the easier we succeed together as neighbors.

Please participate or host weekly Peacemakers Dinners in your neighborhoods to help build stronger, healthier, safer and more peaceful neighborhoods and cities together. It is the best neighborly investments we all can make. These dinners have created platforms for rabbis befriending Sulu Nation leaders, imams befriended gang members and ministers mentoring us all. We are all in it together, for better or worse! #peacemakersdinner

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