Man rams car into restaurant; kills one, hurts thirteen in Paris


PARIS- Scotsman News reports the case of a driver “believed to be under the influence of drugs” who, according to the report “deliberately rammed his car into a pizza restaurant east of Paris on Monday night. This incident led to the death of “an adolescent girl, injuring her younger brother and 12 others.”

Police Authority has confirmed the immediate arrest of the driver and described the incident as the “latest of several attacks in France and elsewhere using a vehicle as a weapon.” According to reports from Scotman News, “the local prosecutor said the man’s actions in the dinnertime attack in the town of Sept-Sorts were clearly deliberate, but not terrorism-related.”

It was obvious that “the girl and her brother were among restaurant patrons eating on the outdoor terrace of Pizzeria Cesena when the man in a BMW accelerated toward them.” As at the time of press, no one is sure on the exact age of the girl –some officials said the girl was 13 while the prosecutor said she was 12.

Deputy regional prosecutor, Eric de Valroger, in the report, said the three-year-old boy has been flown by helicopter to France’s leading children’s hospital in Paris and 12 other people have been hospitalized alongside, with about four in serious condition.

Speaking to reporters near the attack site, de Valroger disclosed that he has opened a homicide investigation. At this stage, he said, “I rule out a terrorist motive.” He called it ‘highly probable’ that the driver was under the influence of drugs and that he left the road and deliberately aimed his car at restaurant-goers.

The driver has been identified by De Valroger as a 31-year-old from the nearby town of La Ferte-sous-Jouarre. There are stories that the suspect attempted suicide last week. This was also mentioned by the French Interior Ministry Pierre-Henry Brandet on BFM television. Brandet however noted that the man was not known to intelligence or police.

Emmanuel Macron, the French President has expressed condolences and support to the victims and survivors of the attack.







Correspondent: Ridwan A Olayiwola

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