Raila Odinga goes hard on his petition against Uhuru Kenyatta presidential win


After the 8 August Kenyan general election results were announced having Uhuru Kenyatta the president elect, Raila Odinga, Uhuru’s strongest opposition leader by the card of NASA, decided to head to court to petition the announced results.

Odinga had earlier on desired to have his petition violent but he was talked to through it by his advisors and the rest of the members of the National Super Alliance (NASA) party that thought it would not be a beautiful move.

Raila Odinga headed to the Supreme Court on Friday, August 18, 2017 and presented his petition, reports say it was 25,000 pages.

In the petition, Raila Odinga accuses the electoral commission of manipulating the votes in favor of Uhuru Kenyatta, and had him president elect.

With some of the most important arguments according to the NASA lawyers, the IEBC on announcing Uhuru president did not have the 34A and 34B forms. These forms according to the NASA lawyers are filled by the presiding officer (PO) after the completion of vote counting at the polling station.

The forms indicate how many votes each candidate gathered from a particular station, the total number of registered voters at that station, the rejected votes, the objected votes, the disputed ones as well as the valid ones.

On Sunday, August 27, 2017, NASA won the court’s show after they presented evidence of a formula that the IEBC together with the Jubilee party, the ruling party, used to have the votes disadvantage Raila – the Supreme Court admitted the evidence was reliable.

The formula is known as ‘the Error adjustment formula’ and was presented by Lawyer Otiende Amollo to the Supreme Court.

Lawyer Otiende said that formula Y=1.2045x + 183546, as he explained it, was used to help see Uhuru’s results increased steadily and rapidly in a straight line, which he explained as statistically impossible.

“If the results were coming from across the country, it would not be possible to have such a consistent margin,” Lawyer Otiende told the Supreme Court judges.

On Monday 28, August 2017, NASA lawyers sought for permission from the Supreme Court to access the IEBC servers, a thing that the Court granted. The request came in for the reason that NASA will still need more proof.

On Tuesday 29, August 2017, NASA accessed the IEBC servers as granted by the Supreme Court and what they found out from the servers, is quite interesting – according to the lawyers.

The lawyers found what they said are ‘illegal activities’ in the server logs.

They explained on Wednesday, 30 August morning that in the servers, they came across alleged discrepancy in 90 forms that severely affected nearly five million Raila votes.

In their findings, they observed 3,395 failed log in attempts despite the fact that the access control list only provides for 341 users. In the same instance, the lawyers surprisingly viewed 3,851 successful log in attempts.

The server system only gives read only authorizations and no deletion of files is granted however, Wafula Chebukati, the chairperson IEBC’s account was used numerously to transfer, delete and modify files, which is said to be illegal.

Chebukati’s account, according to the NASA lawyers’ finding, had 9,934 transaction logs, and so was accessed with the help of an unauthorized IP address.

Much more illegal stuff was unveiled in the IEBC servers that the NASA party with high hopes believes, will lead to Uhuru Kenyatta’s win nullified.

Raila Odinga in excitement was reported urging his supporters to be a little more patient as ‘good things come to those who wait.’















Correspondent: Shamilah Namuddu

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