One Billion Dollars International Peace Museum
#peacingittogether in the Bronx
Through its series of world transforming initiatives with its partners in this decade, comes a complete county makeover, a ‘One Billion Dollars International Peace Museum’ in the Bronx, New York City. This game-changing initiative that has already received an overwhelming approval of the offices of our Governor Cuomo, Mayor De Blasio, Congressman Espaillat, and Assemblyman Pichardo and others. The Bronx and New York City and State shall never be the same. “We can invest in prevention or spend in overreaction.” Said Sheikh Musa Drammeh, Chairman of Peace December International. We refused to allow the continuation of mislabeling of our borough and the avoidance of high heeled investors and tourists of this county. We’re Peace it together. #peacingittogether #peacedecember #internationalpeacemuseum #peaceittogether #nyc #nyclove #bronxlove #bxlove #peacemuseum #bronxpeacemuseum #nycmuseum #newyorkmuseum #peacefulcoexistence #bronx911museum #ilovethebronx.
“Violent crimes, hatred and poverty aren’t inevitable.” Peace December