Why Is It That When People of Colour Are In Charge, Our Communities of Colour Do Worst? 


You should know that we, people of colour, are always demanding and struggling to achieve opportunities in high places to help our Black and Latino communities.  But history has shown that once one of us acquires a position fought, our communities do not improve or prosper.

It is important for you to know that our struggle, I include myself, has always been in an effort to improve the quality of life of our people by having members of our own communities represent us.  But surprise, surprise we too often find that this does not always happen.

It has been my experience that when we have been fortunate enough to put one of our own in charge, there is always someone, not of our own communities of Colour, behind the scenes pulling the strings.  This happens on a national, state, and city levels.

Let’s look at some city and state examples.  Beginning with the New York City Council Speaker.

In the New York City Council, when I was there in 2001, we created a Black and Latino Caucus established to help and address the issues affecting our communities of colour. It was destroyed, dismantled, abolished to give way for a speaker, member of the minority community and the creation of the “Progressive Caucus”.

As a result, we got Mellissa Mark-Viverito a Puerto Rican woman to serve as our City Council Speaker.   Well that did nothing for our communities of colour, didn’t matter that one of our own held a powerful position as Speaker.  Instead, Mellissa Mark-Viverito dedicated herself to move forward her lefty agenda while rumor has it that behind the scenes strings were being pulled by Council Member Brad Lander and others, none with their best interest for the minority communities and their improvement.

Rumor also has it that whenever the unions, businesses, lobbyists and other interest groups needed something they called those individuals behind the scenes.  You should know that this was not the case under the Black and Hispanic Caucus.

Another case was when I served on the CCRB (NYC Civilian Complaint Review Board) the majority of police brutally complaints were against Black and Latino police officers patrolling Black and Latino communities.

For years the outcry was that communities of colour wanted and needed to have our own patrolling our communities, thinking that this would solve and improve police and community relations.   We thought people of colour would be better off because they would understand, and be sensitive to people like us because they are like us. So, we thought.   But once many got that badge, that gun, and the authority, all sensitivities were lost.   CCRB Complaints showed that our own was the first to slap, curse and abuse their power on members of their own communities of colour.

The same is true at our city agencies.  When members of our communities of colour go to a social services office, a hospital emergency room, retail stores or other facilities, too often people of colour are mistreated, are having to wait long hours to be serviced and the delivery of service is substandard and of poor quality.  Doesn’t matter that the delivery of service comes from our own kind.

Now let’s look at the Hon. Carmen Farina the New York City Public School Chancellor.  She has the title, but again rumor has it, and I am afraid that there have been others behind the scenes making the decisions that affect the quality of education our children are receiving.

Under Ms. Farina bullying and crime in minority school districts increased and also our school’s performance rates are poor.   Meanwhile our minority chancellor instead of addressing these problems and work toward solving them she was used by others in a campaign to stop charter schools that have been proven to greatly benefit Black and Latino children.

My dear reader, I could speak about endless examples including the State Legislature and State government agencies, such as the New York State Homes and Community Renewal (DHCR).   This agency is managed by people of colour appointed by the governor.  These managers appear to be manipulated.  The result is policies that contribute to an increase in family homelessness.   Landlords in State developments are granted approval for rent increases.   These rent increases force families out of their homes and into homeless shelters.   The number of homeless families in our city and state is a disgrace.   Who are those greatly affected by this?  You guessed it, people of colour.

I know that this WYSK will not be well received by many of those pulling the strings, and by those whose strings have been pulled by people of other ethnicity’s, and colour who do not represent nor have the best interests of the minority communities at heart.    I’m sure that they will blast me.  But as the saying goes “the truth hurts”.   But I always write the truth as I know it, even when I know that I might face criticism for it.

I am Senator Ruben Diaz and this is what you should know.

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