Nigeria’s E-Wallet AgriTech Being Adopted in Afghanistan


The Ministry of Agriculture Irrigation & Livestock in Afghanistan has engaged Cellulant Nigeria to commence the process of establishing a market-based input distribution technology. The aim of this collaborative effort is to bolster Afghanistan’s drive for self-sufficiency in wheat production. Afghanistan is the first country in Asia to adopt this eWallet System.

Since the inception of the eWallet system in Nigeria, Cellulant has developed the AgriKore enterprise system which enables various stakeholders across the globe to power everyday financial needs for farmers. The AgriKore technology gives small holder farmers access to agricultural inputs of improved varieties/breeds, fertilizer, and agro-chemicals, making it the backbone of increased productivity and profitability of value-added chains. This technology allows the best available seeds and fertilizer get into the hands of hundreds of thousands of small holder farmers to raise crop yields.

Commenting on the partnership with the Afghanistan government, the Co- founder of Cellulant Corporation, Mr. Bolaji Akinboro stated that the technology whose origin is Nigeria is the gift of Cellulant to farmers around the globe, ‘‘Afghanistan is beautiful to us, we are glad to come all the way from Nigeria to empower the lives of the small holder farmers in Afghanistan.’’

Mr. Akinboro appreciated the Government and people of Afghanistan for giving Cellulant the opportunity and the space to participate in making life better for small holder farmers. He said that “Cellulant is driven to solve the most difficult problem on earth using our payment technology. We will work with the Government of Afghanistan to get inputs to 1 million farmers in the next 90–120 days.” This e-wallet system provides a holistic system to link the farmers to agricultural inputs supply chain, finance and markets through integration with mobile network operators, input markets, extensions services, financial service providers, commodity market, and insurance service providers.

The e-Wallet system was conceived in Nigeria, by Dr, Akinwumi Adesina the President of AfDB & Former Minister of Agriculture in Nigeria; and developed & implemented by Cellulant Nigeria Limited. So far, the eWallet ecosystem has benefited 17 million farmers, 2500 Agri-business, 800 e-extension workers and over 2,500 service points in Nigeria. This technology enables more than 5 million farmers to get access to high quality inputs every year.

From 2012 to 2015, the eWallet (AgriKore) technology enabled Nigeria to increase its food production by an average of 21 million Metric tonnes annually; a period of falling food prices and abundance food availability. Out of Nigeria Cellulant has exported this technology to other African countries in francophone and Anglophone Africa such as Liberia, Togo, Uganda etc.

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