Cyber Crime law amended in Pakistan, tackles Blasphemy and Pornography


Islamabad: On December 28, 2017, government of Pakistan implemented new law that would be prosecuted blasphemy and pornography under Cyber Crime Law.

Reports claimed, “The Federal cabinet approved the amendment to Prevention of Electronics Crimes Act (PECA) 2016 to increase its boundaries to online blasphemy and pornographic material.”

State took serious steps for the betterment in the society and cabinet step forwarded the case to the jurisdiction concerning pornography and blasphemy.

The Director of Cyber Crime Law said to MCR correspondent, “The decision of cabinet comes after a case of blasphemy was brought to Islamabad High Court (IHC).

“The case included the issue of uploading alleged offensive material on internet/social media.”

Afnan Karim Kundi, Additional Attorney General amended the Cyber Crime Law, he said, “The government amends and sanctioned the law to include the objectionable material, including pornography and blasphemous content, under the extent of PECA.”

Prime Minister of Islamic Republic of Pakistan Shahid Khaqan Abbasi headed the meeting where this amendment in the act was approved.

He said, “There is no compromise on such materials.

“Law is amended to catch e criminals who posted such kind of materials on social media.

“There would be penalties those who were caught by it.”

Furthermore, it would be a positive step to build Islamic values in the state.













Reporter: Syeda Faiza Bukhari

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